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Skriv under för kvinnors deltagande i fredssamtal om Syrien!

Syriska flyktingar i Domiz flyktingläger i irakiska regionen Kurdistan. Foto: Warvin/Safin Hamid.
Tillsammans med Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), Noble Women’s Initiative, Global Fund for Women och 15 andra kvinnorättsorganisationer världen över står Kvinna till Kvinna bakom en namninsamling som kräver att kvinnor finns representerade vid alla kommande fredssamtal om Syrien. Din namnunderskrift och ditt stöd behövs!

Namninsamlingen, samt ett medföljande brev, kommer att skickas till Lakhdar Brahimi, FN:s och Arabförbundets särskilda sändebud till Syrien, USA:s utrikesminister John F. Kerry, Rysslands utrikesminister Sergej Lavrov, Storbritanniens utrikesminister William Hague, Frankrikes utrikesminister Laurent Fabius och Tysklands utrikesminister Guido Westerwelle inför de fredssamtal i Genève som enligt planerna ska hållas den 22 januari.

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Brevet lyder:

We are acutely aware of the need for peace talks on Syria to be convened as soon as possible. Geneva II is vital and important. To date, Syrian women have not been included in the process, even though they are active, prepared and representative.

There is clear wording in the Geneva communication “that women must be fully represented in all aspects of the transition.” Yet if the peace is dictated by the warring factions, the possibility of women’s rights being accurately reflected in the transition is compromised. Women’s participation starts in the process towards peace and must be maintained.

We commend the United Kingdom for their dedication to work with Mr. Brahimi to ensure the peace talks include a direct role for women’s groups and for their commitment to ensure women’s groups are provided with the support they need to engage in meaningful participation. We urge governments to act decisively and follow the example of the United Kingdom in demanding and ensuring women’s active participation in the process and a seat at the main table of negotiations.

We recall obligations under Security Council Resolution (SCR) 1325, the UN General Assembly Resolution GA/65/283 (2011), and the Security Council Resolution 2044, which reaffirm the overarching importance of women’s participation in peace-building, peace keeping and international security processes.

The international community must uphold these obligations and make them work in practice.

As organizations and individuals who work towards women’s human rights and gender equality, we call on the leadership of the negotiating process to:

  1. Uphold SCR 1325 by ensuring the direct participation of Syrian women’s leadership as a third party in the Geneva II peace negotiations;
  2. Provide the appropriate support Syrian women’s groups need to participate effectively.
  3. Ensure that all delegations involved in the negotiations have senior women mediators and gender experts
  4. Provide an additional two seats for each delegation that is a direct party to the talks to be reserved for women.


Jämställdhet Krig & fred